Substance Abuse Treatment

Olive Branch Therapy Group
3 min readSep 30, 2019


Recovery has been defined as “a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength.” Many people wonder how will they deal with life’s problems if they take the one thing away that helps them survive. Alcohol and/or your drug of choice has been there for you and it’s scary to give it up. You wonder “how will I cope with life now because life is not easy to face?” This is often where we begin in addictions therapy.

  1. How to achieve and maintain abstinence
  2. How to move from sobriety to recovery
  3. How to deal with life on life’s term

Before we begin, we must determine if you are using a substance that may cause you to go into withdrawal. If you are not sure if you need withdrawal management, we can discuss this during the phone consultation. I am not going to lie, the first week or two is pretty rough depending on the substance you are using. But please know it does get better and I will be here to help.

Relapse prevention plans are a vital part of the counseling process. This will help you identify triggers and urges to use and how to handle those cravings. It’s important to have a solid plan so we can begin identifying coping mechanisms that will help you remain sober. You may lack confidence in your ability to remain sober, but having a concrete plan to turn to in your times of struggle will help your overall well-being. We are working together to not only promote sobriety but overall health and quality of life.

When the substance is removed from one’s life, sometimes a flood of emotions hits them like a ton of bricks. This can be an immediate trigger to relapse because many of us are not comfortable with experiencing emotions and having to face them. When this occurs, it is even more crucial that we move forward together so we can be ready to face these emotions head on. Once sobriety is attained, we will begin working on other areas of your life that you need help in. A treatment plan will help us identify your goals and ways you can meet those goals. We will focus on short, attainable goals usually within 90 days and also longer term goals that may take up to a year or more for you to complete. Utilizing this plan will help you see the progress you are making and ultimately lead to increased self-esteem.

A healthy sober and social support system is essential in a successful recovery process. I encourage you to involve your support system in the treatment process. The saying “It Takes a Village” couldn’t be more true, especially in Early Recovery.

When you are ready to move on, Aftercare Plans are a compilation of resources, ongoing goals and planned steps to be taken following discharge from treatment. There should be contingencies in place for returning to treatment if needs arise. It is common for folks to come in and out of treatment because new challenges arise in life that may disrupt the recovery process.

Contact us to make an appointment.



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